Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Color Studies Final: Four Seasons
In Class Exercise and Outside Assignment
• Create four related images that express, visually, the idea of the four seasons. The idea of the seasons is to be communicated through the use of color and is not to rely on illustrative content. Bare branches in winter are an example of obvious illustrative content and are unacceptable. Inspiration can be derived from the natural world, culture (as in seasonal holidays) or personal associations. It may be helpful to revisit the altered palette projects and use combined saturations (prismatic, muted, chromatic gray) to create an overall seasonal tone or mood. Avoid seasonal color clichés. Pastels for spring; blue, white and gray for winter, and grade school leaf colors for autumn are all examples of seasonal color clichés. Again, these colors can be used in the work, but they are not allowed to carry the piece. Artwork relying on seasonal color clichés and obvious illustrative content to convey the idea will receive a failing grade.
• Do not use a color more than once in each piece
• Materials: Gouache, Color-aid paper and Bristol
• Mount your 7x10” studies on 9x12” Bristol. Use a 1” border. Craft is important. Keep border clean.
In Class Assignment:  Brainstorm ideas about what you might want to include in the composition.  You might want to abstract nature, or use relevant and subjective subject matter, or employ an entirely abstract design.   Make a list of 10 ideas in your brainstorming process.  From this you will choose 4-5 ideas/concepts you have for the project.

Create 4-8 sketches on each the various ideas that you have.   You should have a minimum of 16 sketches in your sketchbook. Better planning makes for a better final design.  Consult your instructor for help and reflection into more effective, interesting, and unique ways to express the concept both visually through design and with the incorporation of color using various theories or explorations you have learned during the semester.

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