Color_End of Term (Final) Grading.
Final Grading- Color Foundations
For your final, you will be turning in a folder on the server, which will include
1. scans, or photographs of all your finished projects since midterm,
2. your artist research papers (if you have not already placed them on the server... they were due last Friday)
You will also be handing in your sketchbooks so i can review your progress on in class exercises, research, note taking, and overall organization. Sketchbooks will be graded for overall content and construction.
You will label your folder with “lastname_firstname_final” and place it in the folder labeled "Finals" in our classroom folder that is found by accessing the server. You will also place a copy of this folder in the classroom dropbox. If you are having problems accessing the server, you may have another student from the class log in and you may place your folder on the server via their access or bring your images on a thumbdrive and I will grant you access to place these files.
To begin:
1. Scan and/or photograph your images Because of the size, you will have to PHOTOGRAPH the harmony (midterm assignment) and you will also have to PHOTOGRAPH you final project (4 Seasons). I will bring my camera and be glad to help you photograph the larger works, which you can edit during the first part of Friday's class.
2. You should edit and adjust all the images to make sure they look professional using Photoshop of the photo editing software of your choosing. Your images should be 300 dpi and sized about 8x10. You will need one image per weekly assignment.
3. Create a folder (on your desktop or a thumbdrive). Drop your images in the folder. Each image should be named “Lastname_Firstname_Project Name”
FOR EXAMPLE "Green_Thomas_Harmony" "Green_Thomas_Bezold" and so forth.
You should have images for the following.
FOR EXAMPLE "Green_Thomas_Harmony" "Green_Thomas_Bezold" and so forth.
You should have images for the following.
6. Harmony
7. Altered_Limited
8. Interaction_Transparency
9. Bezold
10. Four Seasons
8. Interaction_Transparency
9. Bezold
10. Four Seasons
All your projects along with your papers and the sketchbook (300 points total) will total 2150 points. Scanning, Photographing your work and properly naming and placing the files on the server for the final will count as 100 points.
Sketchbooks are due at the end of class on Friday, and will be available for you to pick up Monday.
Sketchbooks are due at the end of class on Friday, and will be available for you to pick up Monday.
You have until 12:00 Noon SATURDAY to get everything on the server. NO EXCEPTIONS I will have your grades processed and sent to you (hopefully) by Monday morning. You may contact me via email, facebook if you have questions or concerns about the grade issued.
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